At Monte Albert Dental Surgery, we specialize in dentures, offering a comprehensive solution to replace lost teeth and restore your smile. Our experienced and qualified dentists can assess your oral health and help you determine if dentures are the right option for you. Schedule a consultation with our dentist today to explore the possibilities of replacing lost teeth.
Dentures, commonly known as false teeth and gums, serve as replacements for lost teeth and the surrounding tissues. Crafted from materials such as nylon, metal, and acrylic, you have the flexibility to choose the material that suits you best, ensuring a customized fit that matches your existing teeth.
Whether you've lost teeth due to age or dental problems like tooth decay, dentures offer a reliable solution with numerous benefits:
Improved Appearance: Dentures enhance the appearance of your face and smile, supporting the structure around your lips and cheeks.
Speech Support: Dentures help maintain proper speech, preventing difficulties caused by missing teeth.
Enhanced Chewing Ability: With dentures, you can eat and chew your food properly, making it easier to maintain a healthy diet and stay well-nourished.
Pain Relief: Dentures provide a viable replacement for painful teeth, addressing oral health concerns.
There are two main types of dentures:
Partial Dentures: Used when natural teeth in the surrounding area are not strong enough to support structures like dental bridges or when more than two teeth are missing. Partial dentures can be removed for sleeping or cleaning.
Full Dentures: Designed to replace all natural teeth, full dentures can be fitted with oral adhesive and removed easily. They are further categorized into conventional and immediate dentures.
Conventional Dentures: Made after teeth removal and placed after 8 to 12 weeks of gum tissue healing.
Immediate Dentures: Positioned right after teeth removal, eliminating the waiting period for teeth replacement. However, these require more expertise for a perfect fit.
The custom-made nature of dentures involves a detailed process, spanning several weeks and dental appointments:
Taking Measurements and Impressions: Detailed measurements and impressions of the jaws are taken.
Creating Wax Models and Patterns: Wax models and plastic patterns are created to assess fitting, shape, color, and comfort.
Final Denture Creation: The final denture is crafted based on the approved model.
Adjustments: Adjustments are made as needed to ensure a perfect fit.
Procedure: Schedule a consultation with our dentist today, and let us guide you towards achieving the perfect smile and optimal oral health. Our experts will assess your situation and recommend the best dental procedure for your unique needs.
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